Social Media Posting 101: Guidelines, Compliance, and Best Practices - Dental Specialty Marketing & Publications - MedMark Media

Social Media Posting 101: Guidelines, Compliance, and Best Practices


In the dynamic world of social media, keeping up with the latest rules is vital to maintaining a strong online presence. For dental marketing professionals, following these rules isn’t a choice; it’s a necessity. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the recent updates from Facebook and Instagram, changes in content policies, image guidelines, caption tips, and best practices to help dental marketing experts thrive in the digital landscape in 2024.

Staying Compliant with Facebook/Instagram Policy Updates

Facebook has introduced new policy requirements for all its partners. As publishers and advertisers in dental marketing, it’s essential to follow these updated policies. As a MedMark, LLC partner, you must closely adhere to these guidelines:

Facebook Branded Content: Ensure that all your submitted content follows the required policies. Posts that don’t comply may be refused, edited, or posted later. Familiarize yourself with these policies and make necessary adjustments before submitting your content. For more information on their policies please visit:

Content Policy Updates

To maintain compliance on social media, remember these key points:

Privacy and Content Compliance: All content, including text, images, and videos, must adhere to privacy and content policies. Be cautious about content that is more likely to be flagged on social media:

  • Medical procedures, including x-rays and procedural videos.
  • Needles and sharp objects are also likely to be flagged.. 
  • Ensure HIPAA compliance in your content and avoid direct mentions of “HIPAA.”
  • Avoid using images or text that imply an “ideal image,” such as “before and after” or “perfection-focused” content.
  • Ensure all graphics, including video thumbnails, are approved by Facebook’s Text Overlay Tool.

Flagged Posts: If any of your posts are flagged by Facebook, the response will be case-specific. You will be notified, and next steps will be determined accordingly.

Thing to avoid: 

For a full breakdown of Facebook’s Advertising Policies, please visit:

Image Guidelines

Creating attention-grabbing images that meet platform specifications is vital for success. Here are the recommended image sizes:

  • Facebook and LinkedIn: 1200 x 630 pixels.
  • Instagram: 1080 x 1080 pixels.
  • Reels/Stories: 1080 x 1920 pixels (9:16 Aspect Ratio).
  • Keep text on images to a minimum to boost click-through rates. For Facebook, text should occupy no more than 20% of the image. We also recommend using different images each week, as lifestyle photos, clear product images, people using the product, videos, and testimonials perform exceptionally well on social media.
Caption Guidelines
  • Authenticity First: Keep your captions authentic and relatable. Share real stories, experiences, or insights that resonate with your audience.
  • Engage with Questions: Encourage interaction by posing questions that invite comments, opinions, or personal experiences.
  • Concise and Informative: Craft captions that are concise and to the point. Share valuable information, benefits, or insights related to your post.
  • Call to Action: Include clear calls to action in your captions to guide users on their next steps, whether it’s visiting your website, sharing the post, or joining a discussion.
  • Visual Appeal: Use emojis sparingly to add personality, emotion, and visual appeal to your captions.

Ad vs Post Copy Comparison

Creating compelling captions is essential for an effective campaign. Posting Ads are no longer effective when running campaigns. A well-crafted post copy can tell a story, educate, and connect with your audience, making it an excellent choice for building relationships and trust. Here are some examples:

Example 1: 

Ad: Whether you’re an existing specialty dental practice owner, a resident or a skilled professional, joining XYZ Partners provides an exciting opportunity to elevate your business.

Post: XYZ Partners believes in continued innovation. With peers sharing best practices, key learnings, and encouragement, their doctors achieve a higher level of success while feeling invigorated, connected, and content in their careers and at home.

Example 2: 

Ad: Upgrade Your Clinic with the Best Dental Gear! Shop Now.

Post: Every dental clinic deserves top-quality equipment. Feel the difference with our premium XYZ. Enhance your practice and patient experience!

Social Media Best Practices

For dental marketing, following best practices can significantly boost your online presence:

Images: Use vibrant lifestyle photos, high-quality product images, or engaging videos to attract potential customers. Visuals should complement your post’s message. It’s also beneficial to refresh your ad creative weekly for optimal performance.

Content/Copy: Keep your posts short, aiming for around 100 characters. Shorter posts tend to maintain user interest, and content with strong messages or experiences has a more significant impact.

Call to Action (CTA): Always include a clear call to action to guide your customers on their next steps.

  • Sample CTAs: Join the webinar, Register now, Get your free sample, or Download the whitepaper. Learn more is no longer enough, people need an incentive to click. 

Adapting to the changing social media landscape is crucial for dental marketing in 2024. By staying compliant with platform policies, optimizing your content, and following best practices, you can enhance your brand’s online presence and effectively engage with your audience.

Interested in working with us? Contact us today to discuss how we can assist you in devising strategies to boost your brand presence through social media, strengthening your relevance and trust-building efforts in 2024.

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